
Any Pronouns | 21 | Designer/Artist | Star Sign: INFP-T

About Me

Hey! Thank you so much for checking out my site. My name is Dustedpink and I'm a graphic designer, artist, and web designer from Australia. I love all kinds of creative expression and media, and I'm a huge enjoyer of video games. I am currently studying a Bachelor of Design, and I would like to be working in the field of design at some point in the future, specifically as a graphic designer.

My Passion for Design

It's hard to say exactly where my love of design comes from. Although, some of my earliest memories are being fascinated by the designs of toy packaging, television adverts, and jars of pasta sauce. I remember playing my first video games and not being blown away by the 3D graphics, but by the menus. There was something really magical to me about the way everything looked, the way the colours contrasted each other, the hierarchy of objects and the tasteful organisation of items from most to least important.

When I got to my eleventh school year, I was initially enrolled in a networking class which I was absolutely terrible at. I requested a transfer to the only other elective that seemed interesting - graphic design. Although the teacher was a bit eccentric and the assignments were thrown together and poorly worded, I absolutely adored that class. It was my first time engaging in design concepts, theory, and history. I was able to use the two years of design class to teach myself how the Adobe Suite worked too, which has been a persistent skill to this day.

Favourite Games

Favourite Movies

Favourite Artists

Favourite TV Shows